Shënimi i 17-vjetorit të pavarësisë së Kosovës përmes fotove

17 shkurt 2025 | 17:08

Kosova ka shënuar sot 17-vjetorin e pavarësisë së saj, të shpallur më 17 shkurt të vitit 2008.

Për këtë ditë janë mbajtur aktivitete të ndryshme në vend, më kryesoja ka qenë ajo e parakalimit të trupave të Forcës së Sigurisë së Kosovës (FSK) dhe Policisë së Kosovës në sheshet e Prishtinës.

May be an image of 12 people and text

May be an image of 3 people, crowd and text

May be an image of 5 people

May be an image of 2 people, crowd, the Brandenburg Gate and text that says 'S[O lo R'

May be an image of 5 people and crowd

May be an image of 3 people and text

May be an image of 7 people and text

May be an image of 4 people, crowd and text that says 'EVELE'

May be an image of 4 people, crowd and text

May be an image of 1 person and crowd

May be an image of 3 people and crowd

May be an image of 5 people, street, crowd and text

May be an image of 9 people and text

May be an image of 7 people and text that says 'MP'

May be an image of one or more people and crowd

May be an image of 2 people

May be an image of 5 people

May be an image of 3 people

May be an image of 7 people, crowd and text

May be an image of 4 people and text

May be an image of 6 people and text


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Kryebashkiaku i Tiranës, Erion Veliaj, ka uruar nga paraburgimi Kosovën…