Tifozi i flaktë i kombëtares shqiptare me Shqiponjën në fytyrë është gati për ndeshjen me Italinë

15 qershor 2024 | 11:17

Sonte nga ora 21:00, Shqipëria fillon rrugëtimin e saj në Euro 2024.

Në stadiumin “Signal Iduna Park”, kuqezinjtë sfidën e parë e luajnë kundër Italisë, shkruan Reporteri.net.

Mbi 50 mijë shqiptarë pritet të jenë brenda stadiumit në përkrahje të djelmoshave kuq e zi, të cilët kërkojnë të surprizojnë ‘Azzurët’ e Luciano Spallettit.

Një prej tyre është  edhe tifozi më i flaktë i kombëtares, Besmir Limani është gati.

Ai ka publikuar disa foto në rrjetet sociale ku shihet se ka ngjyrosur shqiponjën kuq e zi në fytyrë.

Getting your Code from a Post

1. Navigate to your Post

You can get the embed code directly from the post itself. If the post is public, click on the icon that appears in the top right corner of the post on Facebook.

Choose Embed Post from the drop down menu:

For photo posts select the Embed Post button on the bottom right:

2. Copy and Paste Code

You will see a dialog appear with the code to embed your post in it. Copy and paste this code into your web page in the place where you want it to appear.

For technical details please refer to the section Add Code Manually

Add Code Manually

Besides the Code Generator, you can also embed the code manually.

1. Get Post URL

First you need to get the URL of a post you wish to share. The post must be public, which is indicated by the gray world icon, right next the post’s publishing time:

For testing you can use this example URL:

2. Load JavaScript SDK

To use the Embedded Posts Plugin, or any other Social Plugin, you need to add the Facebook JavaScript SDK to your website. You need to load the SDK only once on a page, ideally right after the openingtag:

You can find more help on implementing the JavaScript SDK in the JavaScript SDK – Quickstart.

3. Place Embedded Post Tag

Next place the Embedded Post tag at any place of your website. Replace {your-post-url} with your posts’ URL.

4. Testing

Once you completed these steps you’re able to test your Embedded Post. A completed integration will look like something like this:

The result of our test example is shown in the screenshot below.

5. Customizing

Follow the instructions further down this page to adjust size, language and other settings.

Getting a post’s URL

There may be scenarios in which your embed code is created by a CMS and you just need the raw post URL. There are two ways to get a post’s URL:

Copy the URL of the permalink from your browser’s address bar.
Right-click the post’s publishing time and copy the link address.
Both methods are highlighted in red in the screenshot below.

Via Graph API

If you wish to automatically integrate embedded posts into your website, you probably use the Graph API to aggregate posts. For example you may use the Page Feed API endpoint and the fields parameter permalink_url.

The response to your request to /{page-id}/feed?fields=permalink_url will send you a response like this:

“data”: [
“id”: “1234567890_3456789012”,
“permalink_url”: “https://www.facebook.com/1234567890/posts/3456789012”
Layout on Desktop

You can adjust the width of Embedded Posts on desktop via the data-width attribute in the Embed Post tag as shown in the example below. Chose a value between 350 and 750 pixels.

Do not use CSS style tags to adjust the size of a plugin. It may result into display errors.

Layout on Mobile Web

On mobile web, Embedded Posts automatically scale to the width of the container.


If you are already using the Facebook SDK for JavaScript in your WordPress site you can use the Embedded Posts plugin by simply adding the fb-post tag to your WordPress post:

If you are not using the Facebook SDK for JavaScript and embed a Post via the copy&paste snippet, which you can get from each Facebook post, the Embedded Posts plugin will most likely not render as WordPress will convert all & chars to #038; and break the plugin.

Instead use the following code to add the plugin:

A new, easy WordPress integration will be released in the near future.


How do I display Social Plugins in different languages?
What do people see in Embedded Posts?
What happens if someone deletes a post or changes a post’s audience selector?

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JavaScript SDK
Place this code wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page.


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